If you love Mexican food as much as I do then you have to have a Pico de Gallo recipe on hand. This way you can whip up this authentic, simple Mexican salsa every time you are serving your favorite Mexican dish. I've been making a whole bunch of different salsa recipes and I love it. Homemade salsa is so much better than any salsa you could ever buy in the store. So, it's great to have a selection of salsa recipes to alternate with. The most important part, like every recipe, is fresh quality ingredients.
One of the best things about making your own homemade salsa recipe is that you can make it however you like by adjusting the amount of the ingredients. If you like it spicy, add another jalapeno, serrano, or habanero, or you could just omit it completely if spicy isn’t your thing. If you don’t care that much for cilantro, decrease the amount of cilantro. You could really do anything you want with a Pico de Gallo recipe. Honestly, the hardest part is dicing the vegetables. But it’s so worth it. The flavor of all the ingredients shine through.

4 large vine roma tomatoes, diced
1 red onions, diced
1 jalapenos, diced
1 lime, juiced
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped cilantro

Cut all tomatoes, onions and jalapenos VERY VERY fine dice. Combine in a bowl with the lime juice, cilantro and 1 tsp of the salt.
Mix and taste. If desired add in additional salt. Allow flavors to mingle before serving, for at least an hour.